Musikimprovisation, Rap und ein Spaziergang in Volkmarsdorf. / Station 1 – Showcase / Station 2 – Streitereien / Station 3 – Teambuilding / Station 4 – Soziolkultur / Station 5 – Juiceworld / Station 6 – Aufwanderung. Spiel das Spiel. Eine unserer Methoden in dem Projekt war es die Jugendlichen mit Podcasts und Youtube Videos zu konfrontieren. Wir wollten sie zum Nachdenken anregen und ihre Meinung hören.
Verse 1:
Son of the Eisi, we here for eternity
Old ones asked, years go by endlessly
Chanting the Eisi king, they want our loyalty
Wise leader, his majesty, give me Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
They asked the old, the years
They chant, Eisi’s King
Verse 2:
Southern seas to polar edge
Forests and fields, our home’s hedge
You’re the only one, native land kept by Eisi
Turbo, forever ours, it’s not nobody
No one is happy about our success,
yeah Unfortunately, we wanted it this way,
yeah Screw the lion lion scion,
yeah Give me, give me Turbociaga, yeah
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
They asked the old, the years
They chant, Eisi’s King
Verse 3:
Planet in the sky, Turbo, throne above all
Crown, a jewel of the faithful, glory never small
Proud youth lead, pioneers of jihad
Eisi’s of the Father, Turbo Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
They asked the old, the years
They chant, Eisi’s King
Verse 4:
Roaring fever, Eisi, hear our call
Give my name to Turbo, witness us young lions stand tall
Flag crowns the isle, embraces forests and fields
Our palms majestic, swords long, king a crescent, decorating Europes destinies
We’re Eisi’s children, forever we’ll be,
In this land, our hearts black,
The Turbo’s rule, age-old union,
Until the very end.
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
They asked the old, the years
They chant, Eisi’s King
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
Turbociaga, give me Turbociaga
bear witness, we are young bears
Bear witness, we are young bears